Welcome to Prototype Apps

You can experience the apps that have been created using different technologies. We suggest you to watch the small video before experiencing the app.

Weather App

A simple app built using MEAN stack with two web services. One web service is fetching the location of the place provided, other fetching the weather at this given moment. Please watch the video how to access and play with the app. Click the button to access the app. Note, a new tab will be launched and you can access the app in that tab.

To Do App

This is a small app that leverages HTML, CSS, JS along with some of the MEAN stack technologies. It’s just fun accessing this app. Click the button to access this app. Note, a new tab will be launched and you can access the app in that tab.

Chat App

This is a simple and standard chat app. To test this, however, you need at least two people in one chat room. Or, you can open two tabs in your browser and individually login as two different people into the same room. Note, a new tab will be launched and you can access the app in that tab.

Blogpost App

This is a small app that leverages HTML, CSS, JS along with some of the MEAN stack technologies. It will allow you to post a blog. As you can see some posts are already available. Note, a new tab will be launched and you can access the app in that tab.

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It has never been easier to learn and create apps!

More apps are on the way!